Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We have completed our first week of classes, and have gotten a chance to meet almost all of our students. Our freshman students come to campus this weekend, but they have a couple of weeks of miltary training before their classes start. We have a week-long break at the beginning of October for National Day, so we are trying to figure out what we are going to do. We are thinking of possibly travelling to visit our friends in the Yunnan province, where we taught before. We found out from them that it is a 8 hour bus ride to Kunming and then a 24 hour bus ride into the mountains to get to their village. Patty is not sure it will be worth it, but I am excited for the adventure. Too bad we do not have a break in November for their Hani New Year--they have rows and rows of food that everyone can eat and lots of great entertainment. One of the other teachers is going camping during the break and that also sounds like great fun and a chance to spend more time with some students.

Monday was Teacher's Day in China, so we were invited out to a fancy hotel for a meal. When we arrived, most of the teachers were playing mah jong and we went bowling upstairs, which was a fun time. The lanes were a little shorter and it was the first time for some of the teachers--making it more memorable. The president of the University came along with all of the Foreign Language Department (English and one Japanese class). There was so much food and many toasts. Some of the more interesting dishes were snake skin (I actually liked it--though a bit rubbery) and a whole fish skin and all. We had our first Chinese lesson later that night, which was something fun to start. It was some review for me from college, but Patty learned a lot. Now, our goal is to remember and use it. We used some of it this morning during our trip shopping at the market. We bought lots of food and understood everything.

The weekend was very rainy here, so we stayed indoors and played cards for hours. We learned a new Chinese Card game, which is similar to an American game, but lots of fun to play. Patty and I also got out the cribbage board and played a few games. It should be getting to the end of the rainy season here soon (hopefully). We are excited to see the sports scores, but sad that we cannot actually watch the games. Go Vikings defense.

This weekend we are going to Guiyang, the capital city of the Guizhou province. We are getting together with other teachers there and they have a Wal-mart and Pizza Hut, so we are excited to have pizza again. We have enjoyed cooking and trying new foods, but it will be a comfort to have some of our home favorites. We hope that you are all well and enjoying starts of school or your days of work. We miss you and send our love!!


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